Monday, November 06, 2006

Likes and Dislikes

I suppose the first order of business here is to outline my tastes - reviews are much more useful if you know the reviewer, after all.

My two main loves are platformers and RPGs, although I also enjoy FPSs, RTSs, shmups and puzzle games. I have absolutely no interest in sport or driving games, but other than that I'll try pretty much anything once. If I had to toss up a list of my favorite 5 games ever, it'd go something like this:

1) Planescape Torment
2) Maniac Mansion 2: Day of the Tentacle
3) Shadow Hearts: Covenant
4) Serious Sam: The Second Encounter
5) Kingdom of Loathing

Note that this list doesn't represent the "best" games ever, but just the ones that completely captured my attention. Other than #3, I've played through every game on this list multiple times. Rest assured I'll be talking about all of these at one point or another.


Unlike most of the elite Blogosphere crowd, I'm not an indie snob. I love superheros, and I'm not afraid to admit it at all. I'll read pretty much any book, from Superman to Daredevil to Invincible, and I'll enjoy them all. That's not to say I don't like non-superhero works -
I've loved most of Vertigo's output, and I've enjoyed more obscure stuff like Blankets or Box Office Poison. But superheros are where the comics bug started with me, and that's where it will remain. In terms of loyalty, I'm probably more of a Marvel Zombie than a DC Disciple, but as I said, I'll read anything. Warren Ellis, Grant Morrison and Garth Ennis probably hold my attention more than anything, although I'll follow Bendis, Millar, Slott and Moore a lot as well.


I like the weird ones. Memento, Fight Club and Cube are among my favorites. Not to say I don't appreciate all genres (other than slasher and romantic comedy) but I always will gravitate towards what I call "MindFuck" films. I also love comedies, except for ones that work off of embaressment (such as most early Jim Carrey movies). Those really rub me the wrong way. But something like classic Monty Python or Mel Brooks I'll always appreciate.


Metal, classic rock, showtunes, and Weird Al. That should be all you need to know.

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