Monday, December 04, 2006

Where are all the run-n-gun shooters?

As I look at the modern game industry, there's a genre of game that used to be huge that seems to have died out almost completely. I'm not talking about adventure games (although that's true as well) but fast paced shooters.

Starting with wolfenstein 3d and Doom, fast paced shooters (or FPFPS's) emphasized reaction time and good aim over caution and stealth. Good FPFPS's though nothing of dropping you into a room surrounded by 20 enemies along with a rocket launcher, and letting you sort it out. Storylines were mostly tossed out the window in favor of better explosions, bigger weapons, and a cheerful over-the-top sense of humor. The pinnacle of the genre (in my opinion) was Serious Sam: The Second Encounter which delivered a pitch-perfect blend of carnage, adrenaline and humor. Duke3d, Quake, and even Painkiller are all notable examples of this.

But it seems like most FPS's nowadays don't come anywhere near this formula - Rainbow Six and GRAW are too focused on tactics and realism, Gears of War is too concerned with cover, and even Halo and Half Life 2 have way too many story bits that interfere with all the action. The last one I can remember would be Serious Sam 2, and the last good one I can remember is Painkiller.

Which is a shame. Not that I don't like the more slow-paced FPS's, but the sheer adrenaline rush of a good FPFPS is a rare thing indeed. It becomes much less story that you have to set blocks of time aside to experience, but literally something you can hop onto for 5 minutes, get a quick fix, and quit right back out. I still keep SS:the Second Encounter on my hard drive for when I've had a bad day and want to blow stuff up for a few minutes. Plus you can't beat the sheer thrill of standing atop a veritable mountain of defeated opponents.

So why the drought? I suspect it's because of 2 things: consoles and Half Life. Half Life really melded story to gameplay such that most games intersperse firefights with story sequences, thereby changing the flavor. I also believe that console FPS's require a slower paced game due to the inherant limitations of the controllers - you cant suddenly turn 130 degrees to the right to catch an enemy sneaking up on you, for instance.

Is there any luck on the horizon? Maybe Crysis, but I feel that's going to be story oriented. I'd wish for Croteam to do another one, but they screwed up Serious Sam 2 pretty bad, so I don't know. We'll see if anyone manages to bring back this fondly-remembered subgenre.

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